Friday, June 17, 2011


My Dear Daughter, 13 years!! Where have they gone? Where have I been? How many times must I face this day? With every passing year, the seconds still turn into minutes,every minute  makes up another hour, as each hour passes by,then it is another day.Now the days still become weeks and weeks soon become months and after we go through these, 12 times and we're right back here again. All of this has become much faster than the year before, but one thing stays the same.....every time it comes back around, I miss you more and thing does grow stronger,with each passing day, the fact that Jesus died on the cross for me and in that I place my faith!! The way things are going in these last days on this earth, I think it won't be very long until He comes back for us. You will go before me, but I'll be close behind, then we'll be together, never to say good-bye.....I Love you so much and still can't believe it's true, that I have lived these last ,long 13 years,without you here with me, but I now know the TRUTH and it has set me free.....I wear the special heart necklace that I was given at H.O.P.E. SO LONG ago! It says "The Heart Remembers" and I wear it my Ashlie Starr especially for you..... Your Mom FOREVER.....

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