Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac on her Pill Addiction - Newsweek

Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac on her Pill Addiction - Newsweek

1 comment:

  1. About 2 mos. ago, I took a subscription to Newsweek because it was FREE !! I just thought, oh,well.....why not? It's not like I would ever read it or anything. Well, I do believe in Divine it came 2 days ago, I brought it in and lay it down. Last night I picked it up and kinda thumbed through, until.. on the next to the last page, I saw something that I HAD TO READ!! It was about Stevie Nicks and her battle with an 8 year KLONOPIN ADDICTION !!Better think on this, if I can really think at all. Maybe I forgot, I don't remember.....I thought, Lord, I think I'm gonna need some help here, but don't know where to turn!! I'm so thankful to have seen that because I don't really know who I think I am anymore. I think I used to know,but now I forget A LOT!! I just lull from one minute to the next,then the hours,days,weeks,months,years.....YEAR'S.....where did they go ,why am I here by myself, in a strange place that I wanted to "make into my farm"..dreams,hopes,unreal expectations,not reality" WHATEVER YOU CALL IT..WHY,HOW,WHEN,and I AM SAD.....I WANT TO GO HOME!? O.K. you are here now, no, I didn't want this..Lord please help!! Your will be done and not mine(actually,I don't have a "will", at least I don't think I do.....don't remember!! I feel "normal",but that's what scares me,cause I don't know what that is for me.....Could this be a much bigger problem than I ever thought??!! Please, Help me Lord!!.....the abyss?.....
