Friday, July 22, 2011

In search of the plain life.....

 In 1995 A friend found a mennonite community in TX. I visited and went to a week of meetings.....1996.. THEY helped me & my 3 children, move to the "community".....during the next 2 years, I learned a lot!! my young son wore a red T-shirt to school( a net)My younger daughter wore socks to school that weren't long enough(trouble again)They would not help me to stay home and do something,so I would be there for my children,NO way..I worked and THEY took "care" of my son was molested by an older boy and when I told THEM, he was called a son was ABUSED by being hit HARD with a thick board..I was made to watch this "deacon" beat my son..THEY controlled my check book and took my life away from me..simple,plain,loving..NOT..June 1998..My 19 year old daughter DIED..THEY decided her was a fact. How could she be anywhere else?? THEY were wrong, I left with 3 very confused and angry children..that was the beginning of my search, then I and my children moved to MO..that is another story..then to PA..that is where in 2009..I set myself and my children..FREE..they still have many battle scars and are looking for the TRUTH..I have shaken off the heavy bands..I know the TRUTH and it has set me free..He was there all the time..Jesus Christ and Him crucified on an old rugged cross..for me , he died. He found me and I will Praise Him all my days..that is the simple gospel,but POWERFUL..but, still plain and simple..all things are NOT as they appear to be.....but ,now free..Thank you Jesus!!

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